Intervention for APD

There are 3 broad categories to aid those with auditory processing disorder:

1. Accommodations to the learning and listening environment.

2. Use of technology and devices to ease listening and reduce background noise.

3. Therapy and Inervention that provide brain-training which create neural/brain pathways to facilitate listening.

While accommodations and technology can aid in listening, they are limited if not inept at providing actual brain-changing results. The only way to truly change the brain is by way of consistent practice and exercising of the brain. Much like working out the muscles of our body with weight lifting and exercise, doing exercises that work out brain will produce life-long changes that make processing easier.

While therapy may not be a ‘quick fix’ it will allow for the brain to remember things, do things and hear things that it struggled with. Any training that challenges the brain and creates new neural highways will have lasting effects.