The listening to literacy to language connection is the path to learning. If there are difficulties in the foundational skills of listening and sound awareness, this will often lead to difficulties in the steps and areas that follow. This includes phonemic awareness, sound blending and segmenting, decoding of words, spelling, written langauge as well as comprehension and vocabulary.

The Kekoa Tree of Learning
Growing Reading, Writing & Spelling

The fact that you are researching services likely indicates you and/or teachers and educators are concerned about your (child’s) performance.  Often there is no single indicator when a student is struggling.  It could be attention and focus, it could be processing speed and memory, it could be language processing and vocabulary, perhaps it is vision or maybe it is written communication.  The fact is, rarely is it one isolated area, but a combination of things that are affecting overall performance which need to be addressed as a whole in order to succeed and move on to higher level learning.

Roots:  The analogy of a tree, starts with the roots which offer the foundation.  In order to build a solid foundation for learning we need to have solid, evidence-based assessments to provide a baseline of skills to know which pieces are challenging which allow us to build a program that is customized to the unique needs of your child.

Knots: With every solid program comes the necessity to draw from all possible sources.  This includes coaching and collaborating with parents and community partners that will help facilitate programming outside of sessions or tutoring.  Our philosophy is to work with parents and family to ensure an active role in helping your child succeed.

Branches:  Each branch represents various programs and strategies we use to grow up towards the leaves of the tree.  Some may need support in several branches, others may need solidification of one branch in order to reach the top.  No matter the extent of difficulty, we can address any and all branches to encompass a vast array of skills that are critical for higher level learning and advanced language skills needed for secondary and post secondary education.

Leaves:  At the top of the tree, instead of leaves, the representation of the brain is used which represents the multitude of tasks needed in order to carry out daily tasks.  Neural development is critical and the more neural connections made in the brain, the more efficient we become at executive function, memory, attention, and processing.

Goal:  A fully developed brain.