Living a mindful life is essentially quieting our mind from the stress of the past and the anxiety and stresses that worry us about our future. In this way, mindfulness is about living in the NOW, the present moment.
There is nothing that robs us of joy more than our worries of what WAS or what WILL BE.
Conscious attention to living only in the moment we have and focusing on that helps us clear our minds and live more vibrantly.
However, it takes practice.
This practice is something that we can instill in children from a very early age. Adults who practice mindfulness provide role modeling that will spill over to our children so they see the value of being present, aware and living in the moment.
With the amount and level of anxiety that is being diagnosed in todays world, every one of us benefits form quieting the brain chatter within.
To focus on the breath and clear the mind of this daily chatter helps release emotions, and funnel energy into positive aspects of our lives and mind. This has the potential for us to then experience empathy, compassion, tolerance and connection with others. It allows us to hold space for others free from judgment.
Try this sample for a Mindful Minute. This is a particularly great way to encourage your child to focus on their breath for one short minute!