Kekoa Tree

Origin: Hawaiian
Pronunciation ‘keh-KOH-ah’
Meaning – Couragous, brave one, warrior

Mission Statement:

Inspire. Mentor. Lead.
Integrated wellness across professions.


Health & Healing, Family & Friendship, Kindness & Knowledge.

Core Values:

Empowering others through coaching and teaching in order to facilitate learning leadership, wellness and unity.

Family Values:

Twenty-five years ago, founder Yvonne Oliveira, had the dream to create a pediatric rehabilitiation and wellness centre. The journey began with her dream to open her own speech and hearing centre which was established in 2005 known as the HearSay Speech & Hearing Centre. HearSay has been operating for over 19 years in Milton, Ontario and has grown since its inception.

With five teens, three dogs and a couple of lizards (and lets not forget the fish!), my husband and I run a busy household. Add to that the fact that both my husband and I are entrepreneurs running multiple businesses, we schedule our days around drop offs, pick ups, sports teams, lessons, homework, and with any luck a hot meal on the table so the 7 of us can sit together as a family and recount the days events- the good, the bad and the ugly if need be.

Even during their younger years we juggled multiple schedules and appointments. Nothing really changed other than the types of activities and commitments we all had – still a busy household with a multitude of health and wellness needs. The needs changed, but the fact still remained that there were a huge range of professionals that were needed to meet those needs at any given time.

I used that understanding of evolving family needs to build Kekoa Tree. It was important to me that Kekoa Tree represented an inclusive space, a one-stop clinic where families could make themselves comfortable. 

Before Kekoa Tree, if our child needed a tutor, I needed a massage therapist and my husband needed an occupational therapist, we would have found ourselves driving to three different clinics at three different locations, and quite possibly even three different cities depending on the type of professional we required!

The experience would have been one that required referral forms flying between offices and long administrative waits. 

And the worst part- because these would all be temporary needs, I would likely have become comfortable with the clinic and their service just in time for the treatment to come to an end and that relationship essentially would end (happens every time, doesn’t it?), only to have to build new rapport with the next clinic that one of our family required services from.

The above was the status-quo, what was to be expected in healthcare and wellness.

That’s why I’m so proud of Kekoa Tree. Kekoa Tree is a clinic, yes, but it’s also an experience. 

The kind of experience that you didn’t know you needed until you tried it- and then you couldn’t imagine life without it. 

We are built to serve families at every stage, every age. Our practitioners tend to all areas of the mind, body and soul. Hearing health, speech, language, literacy, body health, psychological well-being and brain health are just a few of the services we provide.

We want the whole family to feel comfortable with us, knowing that this is their spot. This is where they come to with the knowing that they have a whole team of practitioners, experts and professionals to call upon in healthcare, wellness and beyond, with the singular focus of serving them.

If this kind of radical, all-encompassing care sounds good to you, 

We’re in your community, serving Milton, Stoney Creek & Cambridge. 

Welcome. We can’t wait to meet you.

My Sincere Best Wishes,
Yvonne Oliveira 
Founder, Kekoa Tree and HearSay Speech and Hearing Centre
M.Cl.Sc., SLP(C), Aud., Cert AVT, Reg. CASLPO
Speech-Language Pathologist, Audiologist & Auditory-Verbal Therapist
Certified Business & Life Coach

Business and Community Values:

We’ve all heard of the phrase, ‘stronger together.’ To us, here at Kekoa Tree, we believe this to be one of the cornerstones of our practice. A psychologist by themselves can be incredibly effective, bringing great results to their client. But what happens when a client is tended to by multiple practitioners that work together to address not only the primary concern, but also to address underlying triggers and connected ailments? That’s when the client can achieve truly remarkable results. And that is precisely what we’re so passionate about achieving here at Kekoa Tree. We dreamed of a clinic in which every practitioner, regardless of their area of specialty, saw health, wellness and vitality through a lens of interconnected care. And that’s what we’re so proud to say we have today.

When you work with us, you can feel confident that you’re working with professionals that deeply believe and understand the intricacy of human health. We are thoughtful and deliberate about carefully creating custom and unique plans of health for each and every one of our clients, no matter what age.

Because our clinic houses dozens of practitioners that span many different fields, we have the absolute privilege of seamless communication with one another. We are not hindered by space, office administration or other blocks that usually create barriers between different disciplines. We exchange ideas, we talk about our fields of expertise, we build upon each other’s best practices.

Together, this meeting of the minds creates a powerful exchange with the singular goal of improving our client’s rehabilitation and wellness.

If this sounds good to you, join us at Kekoa Tree.

As a client, you join a team- a family- designed to serve you in achieving your goals.

As a practitioner, you join a team- a family- designed to help you prosper and thrive in a rewarding career with like-minded professionals.


Our Goals:

In the winter of 2020, the global pandemic wreaked havoc on the world. There was so much uncertainty around the globe, not to mention our very own community.  In the midst of this crisis, Kekoa Tree was born as a sister company to the long-standing speech and hearing clinic HearSay Speech & Hearing Centre.

Kekoa Tree created its head office at “The Union @ 44 Main” in the core of beautiful downtown Milton which allowed us to plant our roots in a centre that focused on the client and family as a whole so that services could be integrated ‘together as one.’  It is why the naming of the building ‘The Union’ not only honoured the history of this building as a former credit union, but moving forward it is a union of the many services needed to provide quality of life and rehabilitative programming within the Milton community. As Kekoa Tree grew its branches, it began to spread outwards to other beautiful communities.

Our new locations in Stoney Creek (October 2022) and Cambridge (opening soon in Winter 2023) will continue to offer top quality services that can be accessed in other communities.