Stimulating the brain extends beyong sitting at a desk learning. It goes beyond pencil and paper tasks, and tranditional teacher-student classrooms. Movement fuels the brain. A combination of movement and mindfulness also helps facilitate best learning since there is only so much our brain can absorb before it needs movement and other physical activities to allow us to refocus and ready the brain to allow for more learning to ‘sink in.’

Kekoa incorporates learning paired with a variety of exciting movement-based classes and activities. Some of these are classes of their own, while others are built right into the one-on-one therapy sessions. This offers an exciting and multi-faceted set of tasks that motivate our clients to do a combination of brain tasks that alternate with movement to burn off energy in ways that help enhance learning.

Some of our movement therapies that enhance listening, literacy and language building include:

  • Drumming
  • Kalimba Music and Instrument Playing
  • Laugh Therapy
  • Painting
  • Qi-Gong
  • Sculpting: clay, dough
  • Sensory Tubes
  • Tai Chi
  • Water and Bubble Play
  • Yoga