Psycho-educational assessments often complement speech and language goals as this testing will help determine best learning styles for an individual as well as any factors that may be contributing to challenges with learning (i.e., learning disability, ADHD, intellectual delay).

Within the school setting, the school team will often come together to consult on whether a student requires an psycho-educational assessment based on what is being observed in the classroom. Typically this might be challenges with following the curriculum, or struggles with attending and/or completing tasks. Often this is not addressed until the age of 8 which is typically not before grade 3.

There are early identification assessments which can be done between the ages of 6-8 however.

Many of the young clients we see often need a combination of tests to have a thorough understanding of all aspects of what is contributing to any learning difficulties which can identify strengths and weaknesses. Speech and language assessments, auditory processing testing and literacy assessments often require a psycho-educational assessment in order to complete a full profile and determine appropriate accommodations for learning and the work place (for adults).

Kekoa works collaboratively with psychologists as part of our team so that we can offer our clients a well-rounded scope of testing that encompasses all aspects of learning.